The dataset has been created as part of the research activities for the Nordic People and Plants project. The project aims to rediscover Nordic plant traditions. This dataset represents plant use data collected from two key Norwegian historical sources of plant knowledge: Flora Norvegica (J.E. Gunnerus, 1766-1776): A major Enlightenment natural history work in Norway. Published in Trondheim in 1766, this was the first explicitly Norwegian flora. It gives an insight in the Norwegian daily life in that period through descriptions of plant uses. Planter og Tradisjon: Floraen i levende tale og tradisjon i Norge 1925-1973 (O.A. Høeg, 1974): Norway's most important ethnobotanical compilation. Høeg corresponded with informants all over Norway to document what was left of oral traditions related to plants. Most of the data is presented as he received from the informants.
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此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: e1fd4493-a11a-438d-a27f-ca3ca5152f6b。 University of Oslo 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Norway同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
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The dataset has been created as part of the research activities for the Nordic People and Plants project. The project aims to rediscover Nordic plant traditions. Plants have influenced how humans eat, dress and build their homes. In this project, we will search through different written sources such as plant names, archaeobotanical reports, iconographical sources, textual descriptions, cookbooks, black books, floras and fairy tales. Our sources span from Viking age sagas to modern day cookbooks. We want to study human-plant interactions and trace the cultural evolution of plant use from before the Viking age to today. The published plant use data has been collected from two Norwegian books belonging to different time periods: - Flora Norvegica (J.E. Gunnerus, 1766-1776) - Planter og Tradisjon: Floraen i levende tale og tradisjon i Norge 1925-1973 (O.A. Høeg, 1974)
計畫名稱 | Norwegian Plant uses from Flora Norvegica and Planter og tradisjon |
經費來源 | SAMKUL – Samfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetninger, Forskningsrådet |
研究區域描述 | Geographic: Norway Temporal: A.D. 1766-1776 (Gunnerus) and A.D. 1925-1974 (Høeg) Taxonomic: Plant species in Norway |
研究設計描述 | A good amount ethnobotanical knowledge is documented through history in books of various kinds that have the potential to contribute to studies on the transmission of plant knowledge. This dataset represents data collected from two key Norwegian historical sources of plant knowledge: Flora Norvegica (J.E. Gunnerus, 1766-1776): A major Enlightenment natural history work in Norway. Published in Trondheim in 1766, this was the first explicitly Norwegian flora. It gives an insight in the Norwegian daily life in that period through descriptions of plant uses. Planter og Tradisjon: Floraen i levende tale og tradisjon i Norge 1925-1973 (O.A. Høeg, 1974): Norway's most important ethnobotanical compilation. Høeg corresponded with informants all over Norway to document what was left of oral traditions related to plants. Most of the data is presented as he received from the informants. To organise the plant use data systematically, the use reports have been categorized into 10 main use categories with sub-categories under each. The geographical location and vernacular names mentioned with the use reports have also been documented. |
替代的識別碼 | e1fd4493-a11a-438d-a27f-ca3ca5152f6b |
https://ipt.gbif.no/resource?r=nhm-plant-uses |