Mesozooplankton Ramfjord

Sampling event
Latest version published by UiT The Arctic University of Norway on Jun 2, 2021 UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Publication date:
2 June 2021
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Zooplankton abundance in Ramfjord between November 2018 and February 2020

Data Records

The data in this sampling event resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 28 records.

1 extension data tables also exist. An extension record supplies extra information about a core record. The number of records in each extension data table is illustrated below.

Event (core)

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Coguiec E, Daase M, Ershova E (2021): Mesozooplankton Ramfjord. v1.2. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Dataset/Samplingevent.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is UiT The Arctic University of Norway. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: b4804f19-8a8a-49e7-8dc2-79b528635696.  UiT The Arctic University of Norway publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Norway.


Occurrence; Specimen


Estelle Coguiec
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
UiT The Arctic university of Norway
Malin Daase
  • Originator
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Elizaveta Ershova
  • Originator

Geographic Coverage


Bounding Coordinates South West [69.525, 19.02], North East [69.531, 19.042]

Taxonomic Coverage

Mesozooplankton community.

Phylum Foraminifera, Echinodermata, Chaetognatha, Bryozoa, Bryozoa
Class Polychaeta, Ostracoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Bivalvia, Ascidia, Appendicularia
Subclass Cirripedia
Order Nudibranchia, Isopoda, Harpacticoida, Euphausiacea, Decapoda, Amphipoda
Genus Tomopteris sp, Pseudocalanus spp, Paraeuchaeta sp, Onceae sp, Metridia spp, Calanus spp, Calanus hyperboreus
Species Temora longicornis, Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica, Microcalanus pusillus, Centropages typicus, Acartia longiremis

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2018-11-18 / 2020-02-04

Project Data

No Description available

Title Mesozooplankton community Ramfjord
Funding This study was supported by by the project “CalAct” funded by Sentinel Nord through the Université Laval / University of Tromsø research partnership.

The personnel involved in the project:

Estelle Coguiec

Sampling Methods

the sample were taken with a WP2 equiped with a 64µm or a 180µm mesh size. Two layer were sample 115 to 50 meter , thank to a closing mechanisms, and 50 to surface.

Study Extent the sample were taken in The opening of ramfjord ( 69.5249N ,19.0353) every month between November 2018 and february 2020.

Method step description:

  1. after the sampling the sample were fixed with in a 4% formalin solution, prior to visual identification with a stereomicroscope.

Collection Data

Collection Name Mesozooplankton Ramfjord 2018-2020
Specimen preservation methods Formalin

Additional Metadata