Artsprosjektet - Gyrodactylus

最新版本 published by University of Oslo on 8月 4, 2021 University of Oslo

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The biodiversity of invertebrate parasites is an important factor in ecosystem health. This project targets the Norwegian gyrodactylid fauna. This group of ectoparasites of fish and cephalopod molluscs includes the major pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris on salmon and the emerging pathogen Gyrodactylus marinus on cod. Overall the genus Gyrodactylus is poorly known and many species and parasite strains await proper description. This is particularly true for the gyrodactylids on Norwegian marine fishes, where perhaps up to 50 species remain to be catalogued, and several species new to science are to be expected. This project adopts a novel approach, screening the fish collection of the Natural History Museum Oslo that has a comprehensive representation of the Norwegian fish fauna for gyrodactylids. These parasites will then be described using advanced morphometric and molecular approaches. We aim at developing towards a comprehensive picture of the Norwegian gyrodactylid fauna of both freshwater and marine fishes, and expect to add morphometric and molecular descriptions of some 30-50 species (including some new to science) to the Norwegian fauna lists.


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此資料的發布者及權利單位為 University of Oslo。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: c7aa4f2e-0c01-41c4-b326-d6730134718e。  University of Oslo 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Norway同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Specimen; Occurrence


Lutz Bachmann
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Natural History Museum, Oslo
GBIF Norway
Christian Svindseth


The current project focussed mainly on fish species occurring in Norwegian waters. Particular geografic focus depended on where fish had been collected earlier and deposited in the fish collection of the Natural History Museum Oslo.

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [57.21, 1.6], 緯度北界 經度東界 [72.03, 36.37]


The project focused on the Norwegian Gyrodactylus fauna. Gyrodactylus species are monogenean ectoparasite infecting mainly bony fish. In order to screen for the Norwegian Gyrodactylus biodiversity the scientific fish collection of the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo was used. Here, the Norwegian fish fauna is comprehensively represented by hundreds of specimens that were collected over the years. Gyrodactylus salaris was introduced into Norway in the 1970ies and has since caused severe damage in many Norwegian Atlantic salmon stocks. This as attracted great attention, and the gyrodactylid fauna of salmonid host fish has been addressed in many earlier studies. The current project, therefore, focussed mainly on on fish species belonging to other fish families than Salmonidae.


替代的識別碼 c7aa4f2e-0c01-41c4-b326-d6730134718e