MATRIX project, Budongo fragments birds

Sampling event
最新版本 published by University of Bergen on 12月 4, 2019 University of Bergen
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University of Bergen
CC-BY 4.0

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The connections between forest fragments around Budongo Forest Reserve in western Uganda have been extensively disturbed by agriculture and commercial plantations thereby isolating the forest fragments and the main forest. We conducted bird surveys through mist-netting in the continuous forest and six forest fragments, to evaluate the effects of different aspects of fragmentation on bird species richness and community composition.


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此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: ad739ed0-ab30-4ca1-83ae-7c6ce228cafb。  University of Bergen 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Norway同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。




Arild Breistøl
  • 出處
University of Bergen
Amy Eycott
  • 元數據提供者
  • 連絡人
University of Bergen
Christian Svindseth



界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [1.64, 31.366], 緯度北界 經度東界 [1.734, 31.649]



Class Aves (Birds)


In each site, three 400 m transects were set, perpendicular to the edge of the forest at the start point. In each 50 m section of each transect birds were trapped at two different net sites, one on each side of the transect with the larger net on the side closer to the centre point of the fragment. Each transect had a total of 24 nets and was mist netted twice. Nets were opened from 07.00 to 14.00hrs; hence each transect was mist netted for a total of 384 net hours. Mist nets were checked every hour to avoid birds injuring themselves and to protect them from predators. The time of opening and closing each net was recorded. Nets were open only on rain free days and if it threatened to rain when the nets were already out, they would be closed immediately to avoid birds getting chilled when suspended in the net. Birds captured were ringed with numbered metal rings, recorded and released close to where they were caught.

研究範圍 Sixteen (13m × 3m × 36mm) plus eight (18m × 3m × 36mm) mist nets were used to survey the understorey birds.


  1. In each site, three 400 m transects were set, perpendicular to the edge of the forest at the start point. In each 50 m section of each transect birds were trapped at two different net sites, one on each side of the transect with the larger net on the side closer to the centre point of the fragment. Each transect had a total of 24 nets and was mist netted twice. Nets were opened from 07.00 to 14.00hrs; hence each transect was mist netted for a total of 384 net hours. Mist nets were checked every hour to avoid birds injuring themselves and to protect them from predators. The time of opening and closing each net was recorded. Nets were open only on rain free days and if it threatened to rain when the nets were already out, they would be closed immediately to avoid birds getting chilled when suspended in the net. Birds captured were ringed with numbered metal rings, recorded and released close to where they were caught.


替代的識別碼 ad739ed0-ab30-4ca1-83ae-7c6ce228cafb