Mapping marine biodiversity in the algae belt, Norway

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The marine algae belt comprising kelp forests, seagrass meadows and rocky reefs with coralline red seaweeds is one of the most active primary-producing environments in the sea. It also harbors are great diversity of animals including sea squirts, ribbon worms, nick worms, serpulid worms, spionid worms and skeleton shrimps. The species of these groups occupy important ecological functions as herbivores, predators and filter-feeding organisms and can be sessile or agile as well as solitary or colonial. Many of these taxa include invasive species causing among others high economic damage in aquaculture and ship transportation due to biofouling. In this project, we conducted a field inventory and collect species of these taxa in Norway. Most of our records from this project (575 records) have been published in GBiF as part of the NHMO Invertebrate, DNA Bank Other invertebrate groups and DNA Bank Arthropod collections. However, 58 records were deposited in a different collection at NHMO as they do not belong to these three collections. By this dataset, these are publicly released separately to GBiF.

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Occurrence; Specimen


Torsten Hugo Struck
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Utilisateur
  • Personne De Contact
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern
0318 Oslo

Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [59,586, 5,057], Nord Est [69,638, 18,739]

Couverture taxonomique


Phylum Chordata, Arthropoda
Class Ascidiacea, Malacostraca
Order Amphipoda, Stolidobranchia, Aplousobranchia, Phlebobranchia
Family Didemnidae, Pyuridae, Corellidae, Caprellidae, Styelidae, Ascidiidae, Cionidae, Molgulidae, Clavelinidae

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2021-06-22 / 2022-08-12

Données sur le projet

The marine algae belt comprising kelp forests, seagrass meadows and rocky reefs with coralline red seaweeds is one of the most active primary producing environments in the sea. It also harbors a great diversity of animals including sea squirts, ribbon worms, nick worms, serpulid worms, spionid worms and skeleton shrimps. The species of these groups occupy important ecological functions as herbivores, predators and filter feeding organisms and can be sessile or agile as well as solitary or colonial. Globally these taxa comprise more than 7,000 species with around 250 species documented from Norwegian waters. Despite this, the knowledge about their taxonomy and distribution in Norway is at best poor and in dire need of improvement. Specimens in museum collections are often quite old material, which additionally is often wrongly determined due to unresolved taxonomic issues including the high degree of cryptic species in these groups. Besides cryptic species, many of these taxa include invasive species causing among others high economic damage in aquaculture and ship transportation due to biofouling. This is why we conducted a field inventory and collected species of these taxa in Norway (from the Skagerrak up to Tromsø). With morphological and molecular methods, we determined the species and learned more about their distribution and their association with Norwegian nature types. We conducted three field trips and got several Bachelor students from UiO involved in our work. These efforts resulted into the record of 625 collection samples of 73 species from these animal groups and 43 localities in Viken, Trøndelag, Vestland, and Troms og Finnmark comprising 19 Norwegian nature types. Our results show that we have found 4 species, which new to Norway, and at least 9, which are new to science, but there may be 7 additional ones. Besides our target group, we also found several specimens of species of other groups in our samples and preserved them for future research and as a record to be stored in our scientific collections.

Titre Artsprosjektet_5-20_Biodiversity in the marine algae belt
Identifiant Artsprosjektet_5-20_Biodiversity in the marine algae belt
Financement Artsdatabanken
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Norway

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 8151d1a3-662c-4ba4-860a-78da64253114