Lakeshore vegetation in six proteced areas in four lowland lakes in the Nord-Trøndelag county was investigated in 2009 as part of a status assessment of biological values of the proteced areas. A total of 77 vegetation plots were analysed in the six areas. 59 of them in the Hammervatnet nature reserve using a transect approach. In the other areas the plots were placed subjectively in areas of homogenous vegetation.
Data Records
The data in this sampling event resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 77 records.
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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Norwegian University of Science and Technology. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 2f7d526c-750a-41ae-a98e-ddcfb6550d79. Norwegian University of Science and Technology publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Norway.
Samplingevent; Vascular plants; lake shores; eutrophication; management
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Geographic Coverage
Vegetation data from six protected areas within four lowland lakes in the Nord-Trøndelag county, central Norway (lake: protected area): Hammervatnet: Hammervatnet nature reserve, Leksdalsvatnet: Lyngås-Lysgård bird protection area, Leksdalsvatnet: Lundselvoset nature reserve, Leksdalsvatnet: Figgaoset bird protection area, Snåsavatnet: Klingsundet nature reserve, Øyvatnet: Øie nature reserve.
Bounding Coordinates | South West [63.62, 11.068], North East [64.752, 12.351] |
Taxonomic Coverage
The data set contain abundance data of 51 species of vascular plants (phanerogams) and 10 species of bryophytes from lakeshore vegetation. All plants were identified to species level. The vegetation including phanerogams and bryophytes.
Kingdom | Plantae |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 2009-06-19 / 2009-06-23 |
Start Date / End Date | 2009-08-25 / 2009-08-28 |
Sampling Methods
The data collected describes the cover of vascular plant species and mosses using a modified Hult-Sernander-DuRietz scale (Moen 1990). Each plot includes information about sampling method, date of sampling, person that carried out the sampling, coordinate of plot in UTM zone 32V with map datum WGS84, percentage cover of litter, bare soil, open water, and each of the vegetational layers (tree, shrub, field and bottom). Two different approaches were used. In most of the areas, single relatively large relevees of 5 x 5 m were subjectively placed in areas (stands) with relatively homogenous vegetation to represent various types of vegetation. In the Hammervatnet (plots H_I.1 to H_VI.10), a transect method were used. Six transect (I-VI) were laid out, each to represent the gradient from the upper part of the litoral zone to permanently submerged areas. The starting point of the transects was chosen randomly, but minimum 5 m apart. Ten plots of 1 x 1 m were placed randomly along each transect line, but minimum 2 m apart. A total of 59 plots were laid out; along one of the transect it was not possible to place more than nine plots.
Study Extent | The data describes the vegetation composition on lakeshores in some of the largest lowland lakes of Nord-Trøndelag county. The lowland areas of Nord-Trøndelag are mainly in the southern boreal vegetation zone (Moen 1999) and situated on marine deposits (mainly clay). The areas surrounding the lakes are largely intensively driven agricultural lands. Thus, the lakeshores are influenced by nutrient run-off from the agricultural areas (eutrofication). In the Hammervatnet the water level is also to a minor degree regulated by a small dam. |
Quality Control | Species that were not easily determined in the field, mainly mosses, was collected and determined from microscopic characters in the lab. The corrected taxonoxy was then confrirmed by experts at the NTNU University Museum. These species and other species collected during the project are included in the plant collections at the museum (TRH). |
Method step description:
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Bibliographic Citations
- Moen, A. 1990. The plant cover of the boreal uplands of Central Norway. I. Vegetation ecology of Sølendet nature reserve; haymaking fens and birch woodlands. – Gunneria 63: 1-451.
- Moen, A. 1999. National Atlas of Norway: Vegetation. – Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hønefoss. 200 pp.
- Øien, D.-I., Thingstad, P.G., Kjærstad, G. 2010. Status for biologiske verdier innen verneområdene Lyngås-Lysgård, Lundselvoset, Figgaoset, Klingsundet og Øie i Nord-Trøndelag [Status for biological values within the protected areas Lyngås-Lysgård, Lundselvoset, Figgaoset, Klingsundet and Øie i Nord-Trøndelag]. – NTNU Vitensk.mus. Rapp. bot. Ser. 2010-2: 1-62.
- Thingstad, P.G., Øien, D.-I., Kjærstad, G. 2010. Biologisk statusundersøkelse: Hammervatnet naturreservat 2009 [Investigations of the biological state of the Hammervatnet nature reserve 2009]. – NTNU Vitensk.mus. Rapp. zool. Ser. 2010-3: 1-44.
Additional Metadata
Purpose | The data was collected as part of a biodiversity survey of several protected areas in the Nord-Trøndelag to assess status of the biological values in these areas, and as a base for proposing and implementing management measures. The vegetation plots, especially in the Hammervatnet nature reserve, constitute part of a monitoring scheme to monitor the effect of management measures (Thingstad et al. 2010). |
Alternative Identifiers | 2f7d526c-750a-41ae-a98e-ddcfb6550d79 | |