The geographic focus of the fungus collection is Norway with Svalbard, and this make up about 90 % of the collection. All specimens are registered in the database. Most of the material is from Central Norway, but Northern Norway is also well represented. The collection includes original material, type specimens, of several newly described species. Most fungal groups are represented, but ascomycetes, particularly discomycetes, are well represented.
From outside Norway the collection includes specimens from Argentina (Tierra del Fuego), Finland, Spain (Mallorca) and Sweden.
About 65 type specimens are included in the collection.
此資源出現紀錄的資料已發佈為達爾文核心集檔案(DwC-A),其以一或多組資料表構成分享生物多樣性資料的標準格式。 核心資料表包含 23,911 筆紀錄。
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