The algae collection contains various groups of photosynthesizing organisms not belonging to vascular plants, bryophytes or lichens. The three best represented groups are the red algae, green algae and brown algae.
The main part of the collection was established by Mikael H. Foslie (1855-1905). Foslie was an internationally recognized expert on coralline algae and received objects from colleagues and expeditions from all over the world. The coralline algae collection by Foslie is kept as a separate collection consisting of nearly 4000 specimens, including about 550 types. A catalogue of the collection was published in Gunneria in 2005. The other parts of the algae collection mainly consist of algae collected along the Norwegian coast.
In addition to the 550 types of coralline algae in the Foslie collection, we have 150 type specimens of other algae.
Important exsiccatae includes: Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Collins, Holden & Setchell
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