Survey of birds of prey migration patterns, Lista wind farm (Agder, Norway), 2011-2013

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par NaturRestaurering AS le janv. 20, 2024 NaturRestaurering AS
Date de publication:
20 janvier 2024
Publié par:
NaturRestaurering AS
CC-BY 4.0

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On behalf of Fred Olsen Renewables, NaturRestaurering has designed a survey of birds of prey migration during autumn migrations in Lista wind farm. The survey span three field seasons (2011-2013) . The survey was used as a basis for NVE, in consultation with the County Governor and DN, to assess whether there is a need for changes to the survey plans, and for a possible extension of the survey period. The full report is available here:

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Grimsby G S, Stølen G H, Abrahamsen J M, Løkken J O, Rannestad O T, Flydal K (2024). Survey of birds of prey migration patterns, Lista wind farm (Agder, Norway), 2011-2013. Version 1.3. NaturRestaurering AS. Samplingevent dataset.


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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 78261867-c253-43fe-8261-d494710dbb3e.  NaturRestaurering AS publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du GBIF Norway.


Occurrence; Observation; Birds of prey; birds; migration; wind turbines; wind farm


Geir Sverre Grimsby
  • Créateur
Field worker
NaturRestaurering AS
Geir Harald Stølen
  • Créateur
Field worker
NaturRestaurering AS
Jarl Marius Abrahamsen
  • Créateur
Field worker
NaturRestaurering AS
Jørn Olav Løkken
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Conservateur
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Senior advisor
NaturRestaurering AS
Ole Tobias Rannestad
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Senior Advisor
NaturRestaurering AS
Kjetil Flydal
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Senior advisor
NaturRestaurering AS
Kjetil Flydal
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Senior Advisor
NaturRestaurering AS
Ole Tobias Rannestad
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Senior advisor
NaturRestaurering AS
Rukaya Johaadien
Vidar Bakken
Node officer for data mobilization
GBIF Norway
Ombustvedtveien 20
1592 Våler i Østfold

Couverture géographique

Data is recorded within visual range from two observation points within Lista wind farm (Floråsen and Gråfjell), as well as one reference area (Høgheii).

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [58,15, 6,635], Nord Est [58,19, 6,723]

Couverture taxonomique

All birds of prey within sight of the observation points were identified. No other type of birds where included.

Kingdom Animalia (animals)
Phylum Cordata (chordates)
Subphylum Vertebrata (vertebrates)
Class Aves (birds)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2011-08-01 / 2013-11-30

Données sur le projet

On behalf of Fred Olsen Renewables, NaturRestaurering has designed a survey of birds of prey migration during autumn migrations in Lista wind farm. The survey span three field seasons (2011-2013) . The survey was used as a basis for NVE, in consultation with the County Governor and DN, to assess whether there is a need for changes to the survey plans, and for a possible extension of the survey period. The full report is available here:

Titre Survey of birds of prey at Lista wind farm
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The study area is located in Listaheiene. A heath area consists of precambrian bedrock, mainly granite and gneiss, which forms a slightly hilly landscape where the hills are between 200 and 350 m above sea level. Birds of prey fly in over this landscape from the north-west on autumn migration, having crossed the fjord from the Flekkefjords area. In addition to the opportunities for hunting/foraging, the heath area provides thermal winds which enable the birds to circle and "hover" (increase the height) before moving further south-east, and possibly across the Skagerak to Sweden or Denmark.
Description du design The method was planned based on the survey that NOF-LL (BirdLife Lista) carried out of bird migration in the autumn of 2004. The field protocol was developed in consultation with local ornithologists who also participated during the fieldwork in 2004. Local knowledge is therefore emphasized when choosing observation points. The observation work itself requires good practical knowledge of birds and experience with species observation of birds of prey at long distances. We therefore used local ornithologists with long experience in this type of observation for the actual observation work. The same people have done the observation work in all three field seasons. We chose to use the same two observation points in the wind farm area as in 2004 (Floråsen and Gråfjell). In addition, an observation point in a reference area, Høghei, north of the wind farm was added. This covers a heath area on the north side of Framvaren, and it turned out in the first field season that there is a similar movement of birds of prey over this heath area as over the heaths in the wind farm area. Both areas are the first parts of the mainland the birds encounter after crossing the fjord from the Flekkefjord area. The observation point at Høghei is located 3 km north of the nearest wind turbine in Lista Vindpark, and the two heath areas are separated by the valley from Pollen to Framvaren. Both areas consist of hilly heaths with hills at a height of 200 – 350 metres. Topography and geography indicate that the wind conditions in the reference area will be similar to those in the wind farm area.The observation points have been placed on heights in the landscape that provide a wide view. For the two points at the wind farm, the observation points provide an overview of areas where several wind turbines are located.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Kjetil Flydal
  • Auteur
Ole Tobias Rannestad
  • Auteur
Jarl Marius Abrahamsen
  • Fournisseur De Contenu
Geir Sverre Grimsby
  • Fournisseur De Contenu
Geir Harald Støen

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Field instructions for observing birds of prey migration at Lista wind farm. Observation equipment: Binoculars/telescope, tripod, compass, clock, pencil, registration form, map sheet for marking migration routes. The observation session: The observation session starts from the time the observer is ready with binoculars at the observation point, and ends when the observer stops observing and leaves the observation point. Observations must be carried out in daylight and under good weather conditions where birds of prey migration can be expected to occur and where visibility conditions make it possible to observe these. Practical implementation: The observation session must focus on bird of prey migration, which means that observations of other birds must not be prioritized over birds of prey. It is particularly important to get the most complete observations possible of the species that have the most numerous migrations, such as sparrow hawks, buzzards, mountain buzzards and kestrels, therefore prioritize observations of these species if several species are observed in the same period of time. The rationale for this is that it is most likely to be able to find scientifically significant effects on the most common species, where the data material is larger. Registrations in an observation session: At the observation point, the observer must make the following registrations using binoculars, telescope, compass and clock, and enter these into the observation form: 1. Weather conditions, including wind direction and strength, temperature, precipitation and visibility. The observer can here make his own estimates without the use of measuring instruments. 2. The time stamp of observation. 3. Species and number of individuals. Gender and age if possible. 4. General migration behavior (flock or singular migrations, directionality, utilization of thermals, etc) 5. Migration area, migration height, direction and speed. Outline this in a map using the same method as NOF-LL, 2004. 6. Specific behavior near turbines, avoidance, collisions and the like.

Etendue de l'étude Lista wind farm, Agder, Norway. 2011-2013.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. 1. Start observation session (note weather etc) 2. Mark observed migration routes on map 3. End observation session 4. Digitalize the data

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 78261867-c253-43fe-8261-d494710dbb3e