Microsetella norvegica at station Svartnes, Balsfjord, Norway in June 2017 and June 2018 (sampled with a GoFlow bottle)

Evento de muestreo
Última versión publicado por UiT The Arctic University of Norway el jul 18, 2023 UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Fecha de publicación:
18 de julio de 2023
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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In the project MICROSNOW the ecological role of the small copepod Microsetella norvegica in the sub-Arctic Balsfjorden, Norway, was investigated. Since M. norvegica is often undersampled in net hauls with a standard WP-2 net (180 µm mesh size), this project collected zooplankton water samples with a 30 L GoFlow bottle at distinct depths (0, 10, 20, 50, 90, 120 m). From the collected water, 20 L were concentrated onto a 20 µm mesh sieve, the collected zooplankton was preserved with buffered formaldehyde and later different developmental stages of M. norvegica were enumerated (adult male, adult female, copepodite stage CIV- CV, copepodite stage CI-CIII, nauplius). Under the projectID "Microsnow_2017_2018_Balsfjord" there is also an an additional data set on the zooplankton community composition at the same station (WP-2 net, 64 µm mesh size) available on GBIF.


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Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 5d37bb8b-4108-45b5-b3da-e648c95e5d5c.  UiT The Arctic University of Norway publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Norway.

Palabras clave



Camilla Svensen
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
  • Investigador Principal
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Ingrid Wiedmann
  • Procesador
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Sławomir Kwaśniewski
  • Procesador
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)
Mateusz Ormańczyk
  • Procesador
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)

Cobertura geográfica

Svartnes, Balsfjorden, Norway (190 m bottom depth)

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [69,363, 19,117], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [69,363, 19,117]

Cobertura taxonómica

No hay descripción disponible

Especie Microsetella norvegica

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial 2017-06-19
Fecha Inicial 2017-06-21
Fecha Inicial 2018-06-11
Fecha Inicial 2018-06-13

Datos del proyecto

Vertical export of organic carbon from pelagic to benthic ecosystems consists mainly of copepod faecal pellets and detrital aggregates (marine snow). However, it is estimated that 20-70 % of the aggregate-associated carbon is degraded by grazing organisms within the euphotic zone. One copepod species believed to play a vital role in particle flux reduction is Microsetella norvegica, but little is known about its ecology and biology. In the first year (2017) of MICROSNOW, we successfully completed high-resolution field-investigations focusing on the role of M. norvegica for regulating the pelagic-benthic coupling in Balsfjord. More specifically, we investigated the zooplankton community composition, aggregate distribution, hydrographical and chemical properties of the water column and vertical carbon fluxes. Experiments on M. norvegica egg hatching and respiration rates at 4 different temperatures, grazing experiments and behavioural studies were successfully completed and data are now being processed. In the second year of the project we will continue building a strong data-set by including new complementary investigations. We will also focus on dissemination of results through outreach and publication. Novelties within the project are: 1) high-resolution in situ mapping of marine snow and copepods, 2) identifying interactions between sinking particles and copepods through in situ video-observations and experiments and 3) increased knowledge on M. norvegica biology and its role for pelagic-benthic coupling. This is a timely approach in the context of the future role of coastal marine ecosystems as a sink or source for atmospheric CO2, and for building knowledge on the resources available for harvestable species.

Identificador Microsnow_2017_2018_Balsfjord
Fuentes de Financiación Financially supported by fram center flagship “Climate Change in Fjord and Coast” grant nr. 2019147470 292018
Descripción del área de estudio Svartnes, Balsfjord, Northern Norway
Descripción del diseño Field sampling and analysis of field data in combination with experiments in the laboratory

Personas asociadas al proyecto:

Camilla Svensen
Ingrid Wiedmann

Métodos de muestreo

To enumerate different developmental stages of Microsetella norvegica in June 2017 and June 2018, a 30 L GoFlow bottle was in each year successively deployed to 6 water depth (surface, 10, 20, 50, 90, 120 m) on two different days. The collected water was brought on board. From each GoFlow bottle cast, 20 L water were gently emptied via a silicone tube. The water sample was concentrated onto a 20 μm meshed sieve and transferred to a PVC bottle for later counts of Microsetella norvegica. These zooplankton samples were preserved with buffered formaldehyde at 4 % final concentration.

Área de Estudio All samples were collected at the same station. Both in 2017 and 2018, the station was sampled twice and during each of the in total 4 sampling days, zooplankton water samples were collected at 6 depths (0, 10, 20, 50, 90, 120 m).

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Zooplankton enumeration was generally done according to the procedures described in Postel et al. (2000., Biomass and abundance, p. 83-192. In R. Harris, J. Lenz, M. Huntley, P. Wiebe and H. R. Skjoldal (eds.), ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual. Academic Press.) and Kwasniewski et al. (2010, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2010.06.004).
  2. Only a sub-sample was identified and counted. A box splitter was used to divide the GoFlo samples into two halves, and then only 1 half was examined in its entirety due to the low zooplankton concentrations. Copepodite life stages CI-CV of M. norvegica were identified at higher magnification using the Olympus light microscope model BX50, the other indentification was mostly done in a Olympus model SZX7 stereomicroscope.

Metadatos adicionales