Marine mammal baseline, Johan Castberg

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par Equinor le août 11, 2023 Equinor
Date de publication:
11 août 2023
Publié par:
CC-BY 4.0

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Acoustic data were recorded at the Johan Castberg field in the southern Barents Sea at three locations from October 2018 until June 2019 to assess the presence of marine mammals and characterise the underwater soundscape. The marine mammal analysis was focused on two stations (PAMEast and PAMNorth) as the third (PAMWest) stopped recording early and the data suffered from poor audio quality.

Five marine mammal species were detected during the study: fin whale, humpback whale, killer whale, sperm whale and a dolphin species whose signals were tentatively attributed to white-beaked dolphins on the basis of sighting records in the area and habitat preference of this species. These species were generally detected at similar levels at PAMEast and PAMNorth, except for dolphins, which were more common at PAMNorth. Dolphins showed a pronounced seasonal pattern of occurrence, with very few detections in winter. Killer whale occurred sporadically, their occurrence peaking in November and March, possibly coinciding with that of prey species. Along with dolphins, sperm and fin whales were the most commonly detected species, occurring throughout the study, albeit slightly less frequently in late winter than during the rest of the year. Humpback whale detections peaked in March, which may be associated with the transit of migrating animals through the area as they return to feed on spring spawning herring.

The full Johan Castberg report can be accessed here:

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Mogstad A A, Nilssen I (2023). Marine mammal baseline, Johan Castberg. Version 1.1. Equinor. Samplingevent dataset.


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Aksel Alstad Mogstad
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Sr Researcher
Ingunn Nilssen
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Lead Researcher

Couverture géographique

Johan Castberg field, southern Barents Sea.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [72,465, 20,343], Nord Est [72,574, 20,347]

Couverture taxonomique


Kingdom Animalia

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2018-10-05 / 2019-06-19

Métadonnées additionnelles

Objet As part of Equinor's biodiversity position, we support the principle of sharing data from our impact assessments and environmental monitoring activities with the scientific community and the general public. We actively participate in a wide range of research programmes and industry partnerships to further build knowledge and develop innovative solutions to protect biodiversity.
Identifiants alternatifs